Jonathan Keane's

Phonetic coding of fingerspelling

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  • Jonathan Keane, Susan Rizzo, Diane Brentari, Jason Riggle.
  • Phonetic coding of fingerspelling.
  • [conference presentation, Building sign language corpora in North America]

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At 13 seconds per annotation, we have developed a system for coding {\textsc{asl}} fingerspelling that is not only quick and easy, and (most importantly) reproducible with very high agreement. Our method breaks coding into discrete tasks, each of which ought to be more reproducible than traditional transcription-style coding. Although used with fingerspelling, similar styles of coding could be adapted for many other types of linguistic data. These data can be used to address questions about the timing of fingerspelling, and with further feature annotations, the phonetics of fingerspelling and handshape generally.

  author = {Jonathan Keane and Susan Rizzo and Diane Brentari and Jason Riggle},
  howpublished = {conference presentation},
  month = {May},
  note = {Building sign language corpora in North America},
  title = {Phonetic coding of fingerspelling},
  year = {2011},